Binaural beats have plenty of benefits as stated in our article abut the many benefits of binaural beats Many individuals are trying to find out if there is any research to back up the benefits of binaural beats. These frequencies are the lowest and the highest our ears can truly hear, and with binaural beats combining a wide array of tones, it is imperative that these ranges are reached. Many people worry that binaural beats therapy actually changes your brain, like a sense of brain washing, but this is not true.

Theta waves (4Hz - 7Hz) - produced by the brain during light sleep where dreams occur. What most people don't realize is that although the creation of binaural beats music has only been possible through technological advancement in the last 100 or so years, the use of this natural science dates back thousands of years.

Disclaimer: Binaural Beats are not intended to replace the care of your normal physician. The people behind Holosync have done a lot of research into brain entrainment and binaural beats for example. One larger and more recent randomized and controlled trial looked at the use of binaural beats in 291 patients admitted to the emergency department at a hospital.

Also of interest, phase locking in the alpha band has been associated with lower cortical arousal in general (Fink and Neubauer, 2006 ) and enhanced top-down control in creativity-related performance in particular (von Stein and Sarnthein, 2000 ; Fink et al., 2009 ). Especially divergent thinking seems to be associated with alpha wave synchronization (Fink et al., 2006 , 2009 ). It could therefore be reasoned that inducing a state of lower cortical arousal by presenting people with alpha frequency binaural beats temporarily increases their performance on a divergent thinking task.

In order for binaural beats to work, make sure you wear headphones (any kind). Binaural beat technology could be a problem if you have epilepsy , so Meditate you should speak to your doctor before trying it. More research is needed to see if there are any side effects to listening to binaural beats over a long period of time.

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